The Hardest V11 in the World | Strength Vs Grade

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Tatranský ľad.
Najkrajší deň roka 2017 v Tatrách
Zásnuby mojich climb.. priateľov, Maťo a Monika....
Ráj na zemi.....
Večer tisícov želaní, Žilina 2017
Time - lapse.....
Vysoká 2547 m
Training for climbing has become as impressive or recognized as 'actual climbing' in many cases. Don't believe me? Check out some of the most viewed videos on YouTube today. Many of the big trending videos have been about training and strength. Hangboard 2x per day, 9C test or Hoseok's Climbing Training Routine ring a bell? So when it comes to talking about climbing hard, training hard is usually synonymous and maybe the more interesting topic. Recently @EmilAbrahamsson brought out a new video/concept that married the two, what if we could just grade the training. We loved the idea but what stood out to us was the grades the public survey assigned to these feats of strength. At first glance they looked sandbagged (under graded) to say the least. So we've made a follow up video with support from Emil and take a look at what our assessment data and models show. Watch to find out!