Pojedynek z najwyższym szczytem Europy* GDZIE BĄDŹ vs Elbrus (5642)

Podobni Video posnetki:
Shasta + Palisade Packs | Camelbak | OutDoor 2019
Both packs feature a dual fin hip belt, which helps cinch the weight back into y...
Manta and Mira | Osprey | OutDoor 2019
Warm weather, all-the-bells-and-whistles pack with highly ventilated back system...
Archeon Range | Osprey | OutDoor 2019
Osprey are focusing on sustainable production and these packs are recycled nylon...
Fang 35+ Pack | Mountain Equipment | OutDoor 2019
New addition to the expanding range of packs from M.E., the Fang is a more gener...
Pack Range | DMM | OutDoor 2019
'The whole range has been overhauled with construction improvements, new colours...
Wspomnienie wspaniałej wyprawy do Kabardo-Bałkarii z Mountain Freaks. Polecam tych świrów: www.mountainfreaks.ge

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Serdeczne podziękowania dla wytwórni Alkopoligamia.com za możliwość wykorzystania fragmentów utworu „Chodź ze mną” - Ralph Kamiński (Albo Inaczej 2).