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LOST ️ adjective 1. Unable to find one’s way; not knowing one’s whereabouts
HOW TO Belaying second with the REVERSO
Learn or review skills for multi-pitch climbing, like belaying a second with a R...
But where is the 'Sole' piste in Alta Badia
Are you ready for a ski adventure in the sun? Join us on a journey down the 'Sol...
Adam Ondra Sends 2 V16 Boulder Problems
Adam Ondra climbs two of the world's hardest boulder problems, suggesting V16 / ...
Reel Rock 8 Official Trailer
Rent or Download Reel Rock 8 here:
Giro ad anello partendo dalla diga di Campomoro. Saliamo al passo di Campagneda passando dai laghetti poi ci dirigiamo al vicino passo di Canciano e da qui scendiamo in Val Poschiavina per poi cisteggiare la diga di Gera e rientrare alla macchina.