Kravji bal v Bohinju

Podobni Video posnetki:
Ep.1 - Become Belayer I can Trust
Detailed Course for Sport Climbers. From Basics to Advanced Techniques that help...
Need Inspiration to Climb Harder Routes | Lubna P3
Hannas baby steps from fear of falling & climbing 6bs to 7c continued... When pr...
The Most Spectacular 7b (5.12b) | Lubna P2
Technical Masterpiece inside a stunning cave - Definitely the most beautiful 7b ...
The Most Spectacular 7b (5.12b) | Lubna
Technical Masterpiece inside a stunning cave - Definitely the most beautiful 7b ...
Can Spaghetti Hanna Climb Overhangs in Finale Ligure
Average climber attempts to climb a 7cIf you wanna see how Hanna went from climb...
Kravji bal v Bohinju
Slovesna prireditev ob zaključku sezone, ki se odvija na prireditvenem prostoru v Ukancu in je najstarejša prireditev v Bohinju. Poteka od leta 1954, starejši se še spominjajo prvih začetkov, ki izhajajo iz praznovanja v poklon planšarjem ... ...