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Podobni Video posnetki:
Gouffre d'Ouzene (France)
A very nice cave near Tarcenay (dep. du Doubs, France), which we visited during ...
Gouffe du Morey (France)
Normally this cave is dry and not quite exhilarating, but after three days of he...
Grotte de la Malatière (France)
This is a classic cave in the Doubs (France). Whenever we go to this area, we ju...
Jama pod Gavgami (Slovenia)
Very, very beautfiul cave......
Quallehöhle (Austria)
This small cave is situated in Villach - Warmbad (Austria)....
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Folklorna skupina Društva upokojencev Bohinjska Bistrica se je udeležila tradicionalnega 19. festivala za tretje življenjsko obdobje »Vsi smo ena generacija,« ki poteka od 1. do 3. oktobra 2019 od 09. do 18. ure v Cankarjevemu domu v Ljubljani, Obeležimo 1. oktober, Mednarodni dan starejših ... https://www.gore-ljudje.si/Objavljalci/author/janez-pikon ...