Fundamentals Series - The MOST Neglected Form of Training

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Zwischen Liebesbrücke und Holstentor | Lübeck 1
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Many climbers are guilty of skipping leg day. It may not seem like the best or most obvious thing to train for increasing your climbing performance. However it can be a big missing link for many climbers and can transform your ability to hold tension and move with explosiveness. In this video we cover some fundamental exercises that many climbers should be including in their training. First, we look at barbell squats. A great exercise for building a foundation of strength through the hips and legs. Second, we build power with box jumps or counter-movement jumps. One of our go-to methods for training high velocity movements and power. Lastly, we cover two ways to train movement on the wall and incorporate the skill element that is required to level up. Eliminates and complex dyno training!