Full | Christmas in Rome | ROMA IL NATALE 2013

Podobni Video posnetki:
Get to know your spring flowers
A window on nature series taking a bite-sized, memorable look at the world aroun...
Get to know your ferns
This in an introduction to the fascinating world of ferns. It explains their eco...
Get to know your grasses & their allies
A window on nature series taking a bite-sized, memorable look at the world aroun...
Get to know your parasitic plants
A window on nature series taking a bite-sized, memorable look at the world aroun...
Guided by nature
A window on nature series taking a bite-sized, memorable look at the world aroun...
San Pietro, il primo Natale di Papa Bergoglio. «Cari fratelli e sorelle - ha detto a braccio cominciando i saluti, di fronte alla distesa di ombrelli aperti in piazza - Mi spiace che voi siate sotto la pioggia, ma io sono con voi, di qua, siete coraggiosi, grazie».