BMC Route Setting Workshop

Podobni Video posnetki:
Grotte d'Eprave (Belgium)
On a holiday in Belgium I visited some caves from my very early days as 'caveman...
Janicja Jama (Slovenia)
It's a bit of a walk, but once you get to the entrance (a 45m rappel) it's all w...
Grotta nel Bosco dei Pini (Italy)
This small but nice cave near Basovizza is suitable for initiations....
Gouffre d'Ouzene (France)
A very nice cave near Tarcenay (dep. du Doubs, France), which we visited during ...
Gouffe du Morey (France)
Normally this cave is dry and not quite exhilarating, but after three days of he...
If you want to learn about the fundamentals of route setting, then we've got the workshop for you! The BMC Route Setting Workshop is for anyone new to setting or who already sets at climbing walls.