Lorenzialpe | Lorenzital

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A Boat Trip in Patagonia to View Penguins on the Beagle Channel near Ushuaia
On a boat from Ushuaia, we traveled east on the Beagle Channel and eventually la...
FEARS (hiking in South America) Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike 2018 Prep 10
A hike into the Andes mountains in Patagonia near Ushuaia, Argentina. Specifical...
Tour of the Best Sights - Urban Hiking in Buenos Aires
Happy New Year from Buenos Aires, where it’s a hot summer! As I prepare for my A...
THE GEAR VIDEO Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike 2018 Prep 9
This is my final (I hope) A.T. ultralight backpacking gear list for thru-hiking ...
Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike 2018 Prep 8 - NO TREKKING POLES
I've been thinking about trekking poles. During a hike with friends on the Honey...
Ein Ausflug ins Lorenzital verspricht ein idyllischer Abstecher in die Natur zu werden. Entlang des Baches finden vor allem Kinder immer wieder spannende Beschäftigung.