23.4.2022 | Inkretov studenec

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Better late than never - here's my 3 Luxury Items Tag from Gordon, A Shropshire ...
Belstone (Dartmoor) | The First Ever Summit or Nothing Charity Hike
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Whats in my Random 24-hour Ration pack
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West Cornwall SWCP | Sennen to Pendeen Watch | BACK ON THE COAST
Trev is back to West Cornwall for more hiking and wild camping on the South West...
Hiking on Dartmoor - Cosdon, Little Hound Tor & Prehistoric Antiquities
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Danes je bila v letnem planu lahka tura na Malo Ojstrico iz planine Podvežak, a tokrat je narava odločila, do kam nas varno spusti, mi pa smo pridno poslušali :)