zimska soba | Kranjska koča na Ledinah

Podobni Video posnetki:
Crux of Mouthbreather (8c/+)
Heres a clip of the powerful crux sequence of a rarely done route up at Mt. Poto...
Powerplay (8c), Frankenjura
A Frankenjura classic! Love the intense movement through the crux....
Zentrifuge (8b+), Frankenjura
2nd go 100 percent humidity send ahah...
Mutation (5.14d/9a)
A 100 foot, 80 move HARD route a Wild Iris. This place provides!! breakdown is h...
Whip and Spur (5.14b/8c)
Haven’t posted in a while, have been on the road non stop the last few months.mo...
Kratka predstavitev zimske sobe Kranjske koče na Ledinah. Za tiste, ki vam zimska soba ugaja in želite prespati izven sezone ter se sprašujete, koliko je prostora in podobna vprašanja.