Wrocław rowerem | Kraków

Podobni Video posnetki:
Yoga for Climbers | Improve Your Hip Flexibility
Sidonie (@sidoniegabriella) is back with us today to give you a specific climbin...
Lattice Training - Training with Will Bosi
In this episode, we join Lattice athlete Will Bosi, for a training session at th...
Lattice Training - Route Setting Masterclass
We had Impact Route Setting come by the Lock-Up to show us how the best in the b...
Lattice Training - The Worlds First 9b?
The world's first 9b? Maybe.... maybe not! Or is it just a really hard 9a+?! Thi...
Lattice Training - Shoulder and Neck Health for Climbers
In this episode, Ollie talks us through some of the reasons why climbers can suf...
Filmowa relacja z dwudniowej wycieczki rowerowej po trasie Kraków - Wrocław.
Dystans 316 kilometrów pokonany rowerem szosowym. Nocleg w lesie 'na dziko', pod przypadkowo spotkaną wiatą.

Serdeczne podziękowania i pozdrowienia dla Sławka, który pokazał mi spory kawałek Wrocławia.