World Cup Diaries JAPAN | IFSC SECRETS

Podobni Video posnetki:
My BackCountry Ski Day
Ski Resort : Apennino Settentrionale prov. Parma (ITA) Air Temp.: -5 C°Ski Bindi...
Bosco Gurin Switzerland .wmv | Telemark Ski
Ski Resort : Bosco Gurin (CH) Air Temp.: -17C°Ski Bindings:Rottefella NTNSki:Vol...
Ski Mountain friends
Amici per la Montagna...
SciEscursionismo-Cross Country Ski- sulle rive del Vara .wmv
Dalle sponde del fiume Magra risalendo sino al fiume Vara copiosa nevicata del ...
Sci Escursionismo-BackCountrySki-Prato Spilla 11/02/2012
Uscita Prato Spilla - Monte Bocco Grandi Nevicate su tutta Italia e temperatur...
The IFSC competition season has kicked off and the first stop of the tour is Japan. I take you behind the scenes to show you moments from the comp that you have NEVER seen before. From late night script writing, to athlete thoughts, join me on this crazy journey...