
Podobni Video posnetki:
EpicTV Clips - UNBELIEVABLE Cave Climbing Technique Pure Dreaming 9a+
Italian climber, Laura Rogora on the epic cave route Pure Dreaming 9a+, at the G...
Japanese Climbing Stories Ep.2 - These Climbs Are SCARIER Than They Look
Japanese Slab bouldering is somewhat of a delicate dish best served scared...as ...
Winters Last Hurrah in Scotland's Mountains - Snow in May
Enjoying some snow in May and possibly the last of winter high in Scotland's Mou...
Spring in Scotland's Mountains - Still Winter on the High Tops
Still Winter on High Tops as Spring continues in the Mountains. Always worth rem...
News Bites - EpicTV Athletes Claim TOP Podium Places
As competition season starts to pick up speed it's great to see some EpicTV athl...
Der majestätische Widderstein (2.536 m) ist der höchste Berg und Wahrzeichen des Kleinwalsertals. Vom Widderstein sieht man über das ganze Kleinwalsertal hinweg. Der Berg ist die natürliche Grenze zum Bregenzerwald.