Welcome to the Fjords

Podobni Video posnetki:
Grotte de Sainte Anne (Belgium)
Every caver that started his subterranean career in Belgium, has done this cave ...
Trou de la Louve (Belgium)
A small cave of archeological interest, dating back to the bronze era. But also ...
Chantoir du Rouge Thier (Belgium)
Back to the roots: a week in Belgium, visiting 'old aquaintances'. This time: th...
Grotte d'Eprave (Belgium)
On a holiday in Belgium I visited some caves from my very early days as 'caveman...
Janicja Jama (Slovenia)
It's a bit of a walk, but once you get to the entrance (a 45m rappel) it's all w...

Music by: Fearless Motivation - Reach the Top (Instrumental) Filmed with: DJI Phantom 3 Professional Location: Vanylvsfjorden, Åheim, Hoddevik, Vestkapp, Revjehornet, Breiteigsfjella.