Was braucht man | Klettersteig Ausrüstung

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Well, honestly this was a real discovery. We know this boulder from the other si...
Dolomites Lagazuoi lake lie back and relax until you reach the shore
This time we just wanted to play a little bit with you. Just let this video roll...
il motivo del QUASI nel titolo | ⛰️ BASILICATA COAST TO COAST (quasi) ⛰️ DAY 2
La seconda tappa del mio giro in terra Lucana! Una giornata ambiziosa, molto amb...
8 Ottobre 2022 | Alpi Carniche | Hike&Fly Monte Tinisa
Arriva l'autunno e la montagna con i sui colori regala scorci splendi. Con l'aut...
Online Auction of Climbing Holds Signed by Adam Ondra for Ukraine with the Memory of Nations
From time to time, there comes a moment when people need to be united for a high...
Klettersteigausrüstung – Kurz und knapp was muss mit?
Hier gebe Ich euch einen kleinen Einblick in meine Packliste für eine Klettersteigtour.
Eine allgemeine Packliste für Bergtouren & Wandertouren in den Alpen findet Ihr hier: https://youtu.be/6Z_XotTlf3s