Wanderung Friemersheim in den Rheinauen an Rhein & Roos

Podobni Video posnetki:
Imported Black Willow Leaf Beetle (Plagiodera versicolora) and how plant ID leads you to insect ID
In the last video you learned how to identify a Black Willow tree. In this video...
Folk remedies and Science - Black Willow (Salix nigra) Salicylic acid and Aspirin
In this video viewers will learn to find and identify Black Willow (Salix nigra)...
Ghost Pipe, Indian Pipe, Ghost flower Monotropa uniflora, how to ID, symbiosis Beech tree and fungi
Ghost Pipe or Indian Pipe or Ghost Flower or Corpse flower are just a few common...
Bear Corn (Conopholis americana) parasitic plant - Squawroot
Squawroot also known as Bear Corn, American Cancer Root (Conopholis americana) i...
Mountain Laurel (Kalamia Latifolia) Know the difference between Mountain Laurel and Rhododendron
Mount Laurel (Kalamia latifolia) and Rhodendron (Rhododendron species) are often...
Wanderung durch die Rheinauen an Rhein und Roos am 08.12.2015
Es war so ein schöner spät-herbstlicher Tag, da musste ich einfach raus.

Infos von Wikipedia über Friemersheim: