Vraag & Antwoord - Webinar Anak Verhoeven

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What now 2020? What is the real science behind this headline - Zombie Cicadas
The news cycle has captured the hearts and minds of the public with a sensationa...
American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus) A fun, engaging, informative lesson on the this common toad
The American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus) is found at my backdoor and the toad and...
Laetiporus sulphureus really earns its name | Why Chicken of the Woods
Chicken of the Woods has a reputation as one of most 'MEATY' of the Fungi.The sc...
Five things everyone should know about Black Snakes (Panterophis alleghaniensis (Black Rat Snake)
In this video I wrangle with a wild four foot long Eastern Ratsnake (Black Rat S...
What insects do this? Family Passalidae - Bess Beetles are the BEST Parents in insect World
Less than 1 percent of world's insects parent their young but Bess Beetles do! F...
Anak Verhoeven. Een naam die niemand in de klimwereld onbekend in de oren klinkt. Maar wat schuilt er achter die naam? Hoe gaat zij om met de druk als topsporter? Hoe zwaar was haar revalidatie? Maar ook, hoe ervaart zij de COVID-19 situatie? Of wat eet zij als ontbijt?