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How does the idea of escaping the city and large crowds to visit a unique off-th...
The 'Viva el Perú' hill of Cusco
Some hills in Cusco have painted figures and letters. What do they mean? Who mad...
Hiking boots for the Salkantay Trek
Choosing the proper hiking shoes for our mountain experience is a really meaning...
Alternatives to Machu Picchu - Hiking to Choquequirao, the last Inca refuge
Choquequirao is an Inca citadel, and is just as impressive as the world famous M...
Inca Quarry Trek to Machu Picchu; The Historical Inca Trek
Escape the crowds and get off-the-beaten-path with our specially designed Inca Q...
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Naravno in globoko brezno na Jelovici, ki je bilo preoblikovano pred okrog 250 leti za potrebe lova takratnih prebivalcev v starem Bohinju ... https://www.gore-ljudje.si/Kategorije/Informacije/emvokova-jamaem ...