Visibility Zero - Norway

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Slovenia 2018
Trip to Slovenia in summer 2018. My 4th visit there.Slovenia is one of the most ...
Baranie rohy 2526 m n.m. ,Vysoké Tatry
Zlomisková dolina | Tupá 2285m | Ostrva 1984m | Vysoké Tatry
Šuchtáci Stredohrot 2441m & Lomničák 2634m
Je súčasťou Prostredného hrebeňa, ktorý rozdeľuje Malú a Veľkú Studenú dolinu....
Roháčska hrebeňovka
Zverovka – Pod Spálenou dolinou, parkovisko – Predný Salatín – Brestová – sedlo ...
Going to a new place is like opening a Christmas present. Could be socks could be a gold plated Ferrari. On our first day in Tromso, Norway we got a really nice pair of socks. Beautiful scenery shrouded in clouds and rain. But we make the best of a moist situation and ski a nearby slope and pray to Ullr that tomorrow will be better.