
Podobni Video posnetki:
Spazio Verticale272 - Erebor 9b/+ con commento
Stefano poche settimane fa è riuscito a liberare Erebor. In questo video vediamo...
Cold House Media Ep.121 - Josh Breaks His FootThe Vlog Is OVER
This is it...the time has come to put our focus elsewhere...Get your GREAT DEALS...
Nisskogel mal 2 .. Mieminger Kette
Musik:––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Timeless by Neutrin05
6.2.2021 | Mrežce (1965 m)
Ena lepa turna tura na Mrežce (1965 m).Več pa v blogu:
Dolomites Vallon and Boé The wait continues Alta Badia Dolomiti Superski
**for english subtitles remember to switch on the function on the bottom right o...
Visok, pripada v naših gorah vrhu nad 2000 m. Viševnik presega to mejo le za lučaj, a smo ga vendarle dolžni prišteti k veljakom. S smeri Pokljuke je to prvi bohinjski dvatisočak. Verjetno med najbolj obiskanimi dvatisočaki Julijcev … …