Via ferrata 'Sokolov put' Romanija 15.5.2021

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Old Yellerstone
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Caver Keith Attempts the Birth Canal in Cwm Dwr Quarry Cave
#caving #claustrophobia #stuck Getting stuck deep underground is most people's w...
Caver Keith Tackles the Birth Canal | Coming Soon
#caving #claustrophobia #stuck Getting stuck deep underground is most people's w...
Via ferata “Sokolov put“ se nalazi na području Crvenih stijena na Romaniji.
Dužina ferate iznosi 350 metara i sa dva viseća mosta predstavlja jedinstvenu atrakciju u BiH.
Najzaslužniji za izgradnju ferate na Crvenim stijenama su dugogodišnji alpinisti Igor Milošev i Damir Lukšić.