Vallèe de l'Ubayette, Francia | Lac de Oronaye 2411 m

Podobni Video posnetki:
What you should know - Chanterelle mushrooms compared to toxic look-alike Jack o' Lantern Mushrooms
I had just completed and episode on bio-luminescent Jack o' Lantern mushrooms an...
the red eft and warning coloration in nature - Eastern Newt's most toxic stage
The most toxic life stage of the eastern newt: the red eft is explained in this ...
Discover this bold bio-luminescent fungus and where you can find it - Jack o' Lantern Mushroom
Jack o' Lantern fungi Ompholatus illudens grows on decay oak logs and decaying r...
What now 2020? What is the real science behind this headline - Zombie Cicadas
The news cycle has captured the hearts and minds of the public with a sensationa...
American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus) A fun, engaging, informative lesson on the this common toad
The American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus) is found at my backdoor and the toad and...
Ritornando al Lago Superiore di Roburent dal versante francese si arriva prima a questo specchio d'acqua incastonato in una conca prativa tra l'Oronaye, la Punta di Roburent, Monte della Signora e la Tete des Blaves. In lontananza oltre il lago Bec du Lièvre e la Tete Dure.