Val de l'Ubayette. Francia | Lac de la Reculaye 2502 m

Podobni Video posnetki:
Introduction to NATURE AT YOUR DOOR
My goal is to engage children and families in learning about Nature/Biology/Life...
Monarch instar larva stages and caterpillar diseases. Metamorphosis and molting explained
In this video I explain and compare complete and incomplete metamorphosis, exosk...
How to care for Monarch Butterfly Caterpillars at home
Follow-up to earlier episodes on identifying and finding Milkweed and finding eg...
How to make DIY critter cage for Monarchs, other butterflies, and any insect. Low cost, easy to make
In this video I show viewers how to make a insect critter cage that is large eno...
Easy craft project - How to make the best DIY bug box or critter cage at practically no cost
I show how to build a well-ventilated critter cage or bug box with plastic jars...
Questo incantevole specchio d'acqua si trova ai piedi del Monte Soubeyran, in territorio francese, molto vicino al confine italiano.
Arrivarci non è affatto difficile: si parte a poche centinaia di metri dopo il Colle della Maddalena, si risale il Vallone dell'Oronaye fino al Col de la Gipière d'Oronaye, da li si prende un sentiero a destra non segnato e lo si segue fino al lago.