Uspon na Klek i panorama dronom

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Stota Jama (Sovenia)
We have visited this small cave near Laze more than once, but it's still a joy t...
Mostnica Gorge (Slovenia)
This is actually a short hike, but it's something you must see. You follow the r...
Kerschbaumeralm (Austria)
This is a fairly easy hike up to the cabin on the Kerschbaumeralm. From here you...
Kaiserbachklamm (Austria) | Kufstein
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Kranzhorn (Austria)
A mountain with a view!...
Uspon na Klek na rubu Kapele, iznad grada Ogulina. Jedno je od najpopularnijih i najatraktivnijih planinarskih odredista u Hrvatskoj.Klekova stijena ispod vrha bila je prva skola hrvatskih alpinista.