Unterwegs im südlichen Witten | Ruhrgebiet | Wandern

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Mend Exmoor (The Chains)
The Chains needs your help: http://mendmountains.thebmc.co.uk/portfolio-item/exm...
Shauna Coxsey tries crack climbing with Pete Whittaker
British climber Shauna Coxsey’s iron grip has seen her demolish the competition ...
Brecon Beacons National Park - Mend Our Mountains
The BMC’s groundbreaking crowdfunding drive for upland paths, Mend Our Mountains...
Dartmoor National Park - Mend Our Mountains
The BMC’s groundbreaking crowdfunding drive for upland paths, Mend Our Mountains...
Exmoor - Mend Our Mountains
The BMC’s groundbreaking crowdfunding drive for upland paths, Mend Our Mountains...
Eine Rundwanderung zwischen Hammer-, Elbsche- und Muttental im südlichen Witten.
Gehzeit: 6,5 - 8 Stunden
Tourlänge: ca. 27 km
Höhendifferenz: +/- 570 m

Tourplanung: https://www.tim-online.nrw.de/tim-online/initParams.do;jsessionid=E05BA76B2CE38D5680F68EC769DCC46D.217 und Freizeitinformationen anklicken.