Ul Sciur Togn

Podobni Video posnetki:
Cascade Ridge and the Lone Gunman - daytrip ep9
Sometimes Blake cancels at 5:20am and leaves you alone in a gravel pit with a gu...
Mt. Timpanogos Ridgeline Traverse - daytrip ep8
Here we have the Timp Traverse in all of its rocky, windswept glory. So. Much. W...
Sliding Off Box Elder Peak - daytrip ep7
You could take the trail back down but why would you when you could ride a small...
What the Fog - Faroe Islands
Day two on the Faroe Islands and I wake up greeted by rain and fog. The Faroe is...
The Death of Fat Blake - daytrip ep6
Blake finally emerges from his marbled cocoon made from smothered burritos and c...
Produzione Associazione vivere la montagna. Luca Bettosini.
Ul Sciur Togn, mascotte di Vivere la montagna.

Prima ancora che nascesse la rivista Vivere la montagna, dunque oltre 20 anni fa, chiesi ad un mio amico, Gabriele Castellani, se conosceva qualcuno in grado di creare, in forma di disegno, un tipico montanaro ticinese.