Ukanška Suha

Podobni Video posnetki:
Black Diamond Momentum Climbing Shoe
While the Momentum climbing shoe was built with ultimate comfort in mind it exce...
Introducing Black Diamond Climbing Shoes
We’re proud to introduce Black Diamond climbing shoes—the next step in our missi...
Noah Howell on The South Ridge of Superior - Wasatch Classics
BD Athlete Noah Howell is known for his steep skiing prowess. However, when the ...
Black Diamond ReVolt Headlamp
Our revolutionary rechargeable headlamp, the redesigned ReVolt features a waterp...
Black Diamond Men's Zone Harness
Built for routes that require maximum focus and minimum weight, the Zone harness...
Ukanška Suha
Strmi hudournik, ki ga napaja trojni izvir z močnejšim izvirom Nad Stopmi, višji Na Melju se zopet deli in po dolini Ukanške Suhe občasno napolni strugo, nedaleč ob ozkotirne vojaške železnice in ostankov na spodnji postaji vojaške žičnice pri Savici … …