Über den Ostgrat auf die Gehrenspitze

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Climbing Federispitz from Ziegelbrücke (2020/05/24)
A bit on the tough side, this hike consists of a 1,500 height meters climb up to...
Hike from Mollis over Kerenzerberg to Ziegelbrücke (2020/05/03)
Hike from Mollis up the old Roman trail to Kerenzerberg, and from there down to ...
Round tour from Ziegelbrücke Station (2020/04/19)
We walked straight up the steep incline from Ziegelbrücke Station and did a very...
Hike in Suld Valley (2019/10/13)
This round tour starts from and ends in the Bernese Aeschried near Spiez and tak...
Hike from Bauen to Rütli, 'Weg der Schweiz' (2019/10/03)
ルセルン湖が素晴らしい景色になるバウエン~リュテリ(スイスが生まれた場所)の歴史的なコースだ。3時間ぐらいかかる。An easy 3 hour walk on ...
Über den Ostgrat bei schönstem Novemberwetter auf die Gehrenspitze.

Niederwängle (bei Reutte) - Costarieskapelle - Feuerkopf - Blachenspitze - Kleine Gehrenspitze - Gehrenspitze - Gehrenjoch - Gehrenalm