Trying to Avoid 4,000 ft of Slurpee Skiing - daytrip ep4

Podobni Video posnetki:
Aigüestortes i Sant Maurici. Volta de dos dies
Tracks wikiloc:
de La Rabassa Sant Miquel d'Engolasters - Andorra
Track en wikiloc:
Arista del Dado y Cresta del Caballo al Pico San Bernardo o Cortado
Track wikiloc:
Petit Combin (3.663 m.) desde Cabanne Panossière
Track wikiloc:
Subida la Cabanne Panossière (FXB)
Track en wikiloc:
Early spring skiing can be rough. It's all a matter of timing. Try to ski too early in the day and you'll ski nothing but teeth chattering ice. Too late in the day and you'll ski 6 inches of mush that can bring to a rapid, unexpected halt. Timing is everything.