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a chilly winter afternoon
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it doesn`t need more | Nature
Was gibt es schöneres als draußen in der Natur zu sein. Berge, Wald, der Duft vo...
auf die Kreuzmauer in OÖ | Alpinklettern mit Mia
Mammut challenged us to go on a local adventure......Endlich wieder mal an den F...
RIDGELINE SMOCK Trailer | Abenteuer passieren nicht auf der Couch
Vertraue nie auf`s Wetter, vertraue deiner Ausrüstung!Wir vertrauen auf unsere S...
Morgenkaffee am Windhagkogel
Früh am morgen starte ich meine 2. Trainingstour auf den Windhagkogel. Eine zeit...
We hiked with an experience tour guide to Trinidad's tallest mountain peak. This terrain is unforgiving, and one wrong step can land you in serious trouble. Thank God for his mercies in taking us to and back from the peak without incident or accident. This is not for the faint of heart as this hike will test your limits. Ensure you take an experience tour guide, a GPS system, lots of water, a cutlass for clearing the brush & a reliable pair of sneakers. This is the true test of endurance, patience, and overall fitness as you would work all body muscles. I would rate this as a difficult hike.