trekking in val Alba (FVG) WATCH DESCRIPTION

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I couldn't get through without help
Second Channel for a lot more in depth caving videos!
This cave was dynamited shut. Now we know why
Second Channel for a lot more in depth caving videos!
We always take things too far. (injury update)
Second Channel for a lot more in depth caving videos!
Head-first into this hell hole of cave
Fenix supplied the lights for this video. We are under no obligation to promote ...
There's reason no one has ever entered this cave. Not even once
Second Channel for a lot more in depth caving videos!
Due giorni di trekking nella splendida cornice della Val Alba in Friuli Venezia Giulia.


Siamo saliti da Dordolla al Cjasut dal Scior per il sentiero 'La Lope'. Abbiamo passato la notte al Cjasut e il giorno dopo abbiamo raggiunto il Biv. Bianchi attraverso l'alta via di Moggio. Poi passando per il rif. Vualt siamo tornati a Dordolla.