Trailer | Molise rock

Podobni Video posnetki:
GriGri Slipping | I had Near Fatal Incident
I never seen GriGri Slipping without pressing on the cam... After my first near ...
Ep.9 - Climbing Knots & Techniques How to Remember Them
Essential Climbing Knots that can get you out of any situation.And techniques ho...
Training VS Just Climbing
At age 35 I was always curious is it too late to start Training? And is that gon...
Mystery Solving when Manual Does NOT Help
If You think that Left is Correct - Let me Entertain you.Black Diamond GridLock ...
Weak Climber Projecting Tactics
How do I climb what I climb, being relatively weak for the Grade?Part 1: https:/...

Da Frosolone alla Rocca di Oratino. Vie sportive, trad e multipitch.
Di Pietro Radassao e Riccardo Quaranta.