Thinking Outside the Box - Genyen 1

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In 2006 a photo in the American Alpine Journal caught Dave Anderson's eye. It was an image of a Tibetan Monastery located high in the mountains of Western China. But it was the potential of unclimbed peaks just outside of the picture frame that sparked Dave's imagination and desire to go to the area. When Sarah Hueniken, Andy Tyson, Molly Tyson and Dave arrived in the Genyen Massif they discovered a striking unclimbed rock spire the locals called Sachun. After summiting Sachun, they turned their focus to another unclimbed peak up a side valley to the north. The group followed a faint yak trail that brought them to a plateau covered with over 20,000 rock cairns facing the peak that they would later learn was called Hutsa. Unfortunately, a late fall snowstorm ended the climbing trip and Dave wondered if he would ever return to Genyen Massif.