These were RECALLED

Podobni Video posnetki:
3.248 m | MARBORÉ
Desde el parking de Ordesa ascendemos por la senda de los cazadores hasta un esp...
Desde la estación de ski de Cerler es muy sencillo ascender a esta cima, si es q...
3.222 m | PERDIGUERO
Junto al puente Literola (1.600) hay una pequeña explanada donde dejar el coche ...
2.613 m | PIC DE GER
Desde Gourette (1.346m) hay una pista que remonta toda la gran pendiente de la e...
Ever get to an old hanger while climbing, clipped it, and wonder how strong it is? Bobby got his hands on recalled hangers, death hangers, niche hangers, discontinued hangers and we broke them all. A total of 27 tests. Some were old hangers that have never that had been installed and others that have been on the wall for 44 years. These include SMC Death hangers and recalled Leeper Hangers because they were so susceptible to SCC (stress crack corrosion) and could break under body weight. We have learned as a community that stainless steel hangers, made of thicker stock, are way better.