The Vatican’s Museum ➔ Greek and Roman Antiquities

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When the works confiscated by Napoleon were returned from France a re-ordering of the Pontifical Collections was required and the opportunity was taken to build a new section for classical sculpture. Pope Pius VII (1800-1823) employed the Roman architect Raffaele Stern to build what is now called the New Wing (Braccio Nuovo) of the Chiaramonti Museum. After Stern's death in 1820 the work was continued by Pasquale Belli until the opening in February 1822. The arrangement of the displays was overseen by a Committee for the Fine Arts, whose President was Antonio Canova, and whose members also included Filippo Aurelio Visconti and Antonio D'Este. The new 19th century building, which is considered today to be one of the most important pieces of neo-classical architecture in Rome, runs between galleries of the Chiaramonti Museum and of the Vatican Apostolic Library.