the unique Canada Mayflower - Wildflower Identification

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Canada Mayflower is also known as False Lily of the Valley, Wild lily of the Valley, Canada Lily of the Valley, and Two-Leaved Solomon's Seal. I will help you identify wildflowers especially spring wildflowers. Plant identification is a fun skill to learn. I explain with words and video how to identify this flower. I love sharing the ethnobotany of these white flowers. I share all the fun facts about 'Maianthemum canadense'. I explain the meaning of the scientific name and how it got its descriptive common names. Indigenous peoples or native americans used this plant for medicinal reasons, as medicine. The flower produces green berries after flowering and in the fall they turn red giving the plant another alternative name: Bead Ruby. I enjoy teaching flower ID! My channel is all about learning about plants and animals your find right outside your door. If you want to learn more about nature this is the channel for you. I teach about all things nature! Every nature - biology topic i cover is always content rich whether it is an insect, spider, amphibian or reptile, flower or tree or a mushroom I present everything you need to know about that organism. This is the channel to learn about nature. Be sure to check out my Woodland Flower playlist to learn to Identify ID more spring flowers! I have many of the most likely flowers you will encounter in the spring, featured in video, on my playlist.