The Only Hunting Reserve Area of Nepal - Dhorpatan

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Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve is the only hunting reserve in Nepal. Established in 1987 it covers an area of 1,325 km2 (512 sq mi) in the Dhaulagiri Himal of western Nepal in the Rukum, Myagdi and Baglung Districts. In elevation, it ranges from 2,850 to 5,500 m (9,350 to 18,040 ft). The landscape consists of forests, marshland (called ḍhor), and flat meadows (called pāṭan). The higher elevations remain snow-covered throughout the year. 58 vascular plants have been recorded in the reserve. Flowering plants include 36 endemic species. 18 mammal species include snow leopard, musk deer, red panda, and blue sheep. 137 bird species include koklass pheasant, cheer pheasant, and impeyan pheasant; and two reptile species also occur.