The future of this Channel

Podobni Video posnetki:
climber AnnaBorella | line 2e | Climb For Life Woman | u202aMello Boulder -sector Preda Peintada
video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:
climber Max Piazzau202c | line 1u | Bruttissimo Plus | u202aMello Boulder -sector Tarzan
video linked ti the Melloboulder climbing guide:
line 3a -climber Matthias Gnalu202c | u202aMello Boulder -sector Proprietà Privata -Il Lancio
video linked ti the Melloboulder climbing guide:
u202aMello Boulder u202c-u202asector Vermuth strisciut u202c-u202aPlacca costolosa u202c-u202aline 5a u202c-u202aLorenzo Garavagliau202c
video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:
u202aMello Boulder u202c-u202asector Zocca u202c-u202aCose preziose u202c-u202aline 1b u202c-climber u202aLorenzo Garavagliau202c
video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:
The NEW Rungne collection ►

Marte (Instagram) - @marteknibe

Music and Sound Effects:
u200b (you can also search for Magnus Midtbø to find my playlist)