The Closest Skier to the Sun - Chimborazo

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I first heard of Chimborazo while reading about the travels of Alexander Von Humboldt. He attempted to climb the peak in 1802 but was turned around 361m from the summit due to altitude sickness or an insurmountable block of ice, accounts differ. Fast forward 220 years and here we are, modern amateurs, at the Carrel Hut (4,850m) packing our bags and making our pilgrimage to the top of Chimborazo the closest point on earth to the sun. Our route will not be the same as the one taken by Edward Whymper who was the first to summit the mountain in 1802. We will be taking the Castillo Ridge to the high camp and from there the normal route to Veintemilla Summit then across the glacial basin to the Whymper Summit. The Whymper summit is the highest point at 6,261m (20,584ft).