The Birth of British Sport Climbing - Statement of Youth

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Winterende - Klettergebiet Nassereith
Klettersteig und Kletterrouten warten...
- Klettern im Fasching
Leite Klettersteig Nassereith...
Niederthai | Wiesle | Hoher Stein | Tauferberg
Schneeschuh Rundwanderung...
Teilwiesen und Hoher Übergang
Tirol Splitter...
Zigerries und Wände in Nassereith
langsam schmilz der Schnee...
The 1980's saw climbing standards rise exponentially. At the start of the decade, 7b+ was cutting edge, but by the end of the '80s, 9a was the new world standard. By the end of the decade, the sport had changed beyond recognition and a paradigm was set for future generations.