The 21 Camalot C4 - Black Diamond Presents

“I wanted to find a way to make chimneys and wide cracks a little more mellow,” says BD Athlete Alex Honnold. “Luckily I knew just the folks to talk to.” Now, armed with a gold #21 Camalot C4, there’s nothing Honnold can’t protect. By re-engineering the lobes of a traditional Camalot, we were able to expand the range exponentially to create the ultimate wide-sending machine. Rest assured, the #21 C4 combines its enormous size with a manageable weight, giving you the confidence needed to rack this bad boy no matter how long the approach. Plus, the final touch is the #21’s innovative trigger keeper technology, which holds the cam in a retracted position when racked. And when the cracks get wide, simply whip it out, squeeze the trigger and BOOM … it’s time to tame the monster.