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This maybe the last last interview of scott fischer, before disappeared on that mountain behind the everest, near the summit. It's unknown why one of the strongest and most experienced mountaineers in the world disappeared that day. There is a select group of people in the world who have gazed at the Earth from its two highest points, Everest and K2. Scott Fischer, a 40-year-old, was one of them. Fischer had made a living out of mountaineering and contributed his adventurousness to a variety of charitable causes. On Friday, May 10, 1996, a severe and sudden storm had trapped several climbers high on Mt. Everest as they were descending from the summit. In what has become the deadliest single tragedy in the mountain's climbing history, a total of eight people perished. One of them is renowned Seattle climbing guide Scott Fischer. Only in 2010 his body was found, it was near the balcony of mt Everest.