Sveti Duh na Ostrem vrhu 904m

Podobni Video posnetki:
Mina Leslie-Wujastyk boulders Midnight Lightning (V8), Yosemite
Mina Leslie-Wujastyk's third attempt at the world's most famous boulder problem:...
Boy. Is this the weirdest climbing clip we've uploaded this year
'If you've set out to make the weirdest climbing film ever, then I've got news f...
climber overcomes breast cancer and returns to climbing - Patience
“Doctors aren’t always right; sometimes they write you off,” says Emily Ward, th...
the climbing world of George Smith - Upside Down Wales
George Smith, upside-down guru and arch obsessive, leads us on a remarkable jour...
We need your help to Save Outdoor Centres
We need your help to Save Outdoor Centres. How? Write to your MP. It only takes ...
Pot se začne v Selnici ob Dravi je kondicijsko kar zahtevna zaradi svoje dolžine.Pa čeravno v začetku enolična kasneje postreže z lepimi razgledi in zanimivostmi.....

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