Summit or Die - Gannet Peak Via Wells Creek

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The day after my failed attempt to summit Gannet via Tourist Creek I texted Aaron and Chase asking if they wanted to go back with me and make another attempt. The next week I was once again in the parking lot at Green River Lakes Campground suiting up at 3am for another attempt at this daunting mountain. This time we were going to try and summit via the Wells Creek route which requires some rock climbing when the water is high. With some rope, harnesses, and a small rack of gear we headed off down the trail with a heavy load on our backs. I don’t actually believe in the motto summit or die. Summits for the most part are just points on a map. Whether you summit them or not matters almost not at all in the grand scheme of things. However, I did go out this time with a more iron clad determination to summit, conditions permitting of course. The phrase gives you a general idea of my mental state as I left the van the morning of this attempt and I also thought it’s dramatic tone might get me an extra view or two. I’m not above shameless click baiting.