Storžič (26.7.2020)

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Eastern Newt Breeding April 2020
It is early April so each day I visit this pond in Floyd County Virginia to see ...
Dogwood April 12 2020
The Dogwood tree is the state tree of Virginia. Brilliant flowers in spring, red...
Virginia Creeper Woody Vines
Poison Ivy and Vriginia Creeper are often confused by wary outdoor adventurers. ...
Poison Ivy Woody Vine Leaves of three
If you don't learn to identify any other plants, be sure to learn to identify th...
Jumping Spiders Arthropods
April 9, 2020 A curious Jumping spider moved across a lumber deck to check me o...
Na 6. cilj programa 'Letos na Triglav 2020' Storžič, skozi kraljestvo planik.