ST13 Mit zwei Apps auf die Kirlalm

Podobni Video posnetki:
Swiss Hike up to the Aletsch Glacier via an amazing hanging bridge and 2km tunnel
A mammoth 17km hike starting in Bellwald, across the Aspi Titter Hangebrucke, an...
The spectacular Canton Uri
The amazing scenery of canton Uri, from Rütli to Staubenfall. A pretty cool day...
Noiraigue Ridge, Switzerland - The perfect hike for scorching hot day
When it is crazy hot, a 800m climb seems a stupid idea!? But in the shade of the...
my favourite place in the world | Lauterbrunnen Valley
When i was 8 years old, I first went to the Lauterbrunnen valley and was captiva...
First hike back after knee accident Leysin to Lac de Mayen
Hiking 13k and 600m up from Leysin to Lac de Mayen is not something I ever thoug...
Endlich wieder schönes Wetter. Also hinaus und hinauf auf die Kirlalm. Wir haben mit einer App einen schönen Rundwanderweg gefunden. Mehr dazu in meinem Video.