Spazio Verticale 270 - Home Training by Stefano Ghisolfi

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We had to smash our way through
Never break anything in a cave. We had permission to excavate part of the end of...
Pushing the limits of what we can fit through
Second Channel for a lot more in depth caving videos!
This will cure your Claustrophobia addiction
This is a compilation of our scariest and tightest moments. First several minute...
A waterfall led us to this underground discovery
Second Channel for a lot more in depth caving videos!
You will hate this
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Tutti gli strumenti per l'allenamento li potete trovare qui:

Data la prolungata chiusura delle palestre, Stefano ci fa entrare nella sua dimora e ci mostra tutti gli strumenti ti del suo allenamento! Voi che strumenti utilizzate?