South Devon | BACK TO THE COAST (24 mile circular hike) Prawle Point

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After what seems like an age, Trev is back where he loves solo hiking the most, on the South West Coast Path, and this time a 20 mile circular walk around Prawle Point...

For the first time since lockdown, Trev heads to the coast, South Devon to be precise and a hike around East Prawle, Devon's most southerly point and the site of many a shipwreck. As training for his massive Dartmoor in a day hike that is coming up soon, he has devised thislengthy 20 mile (plus) circular walk, which starts at the car park at Torcross, (where the Sherman Tank stands in memory of the 700 US soldiers lost during live ammo training operations in preparation to D-Day) and then heads South around the rugged but beautiful South Devon Coastline, passing the lighthouse at Start Point, the lookout station at Prawle Point, the impressive mountainous cliffs of Gammon Head, until reaching the sandy beaches of Portlecombe opposite Salcombe, for a lengthy inland trek across the winding country roads back to the car. Its a day of two halves, or three thirds, as its wet in the morning, making for an atmospheric but moody walk, then glorious in the afternoon, before the monotonous lull of road walking to end with.