Soteska pekel pri Borovnici

Podobni Video posnetki:
Sweet and Smoky Breakfast - Cook with Trekitt
In this new series, we venture outside with a bunch of cooking equipment (all li...
Podcast 1 - How Did Trekitt Begin
Welcome to the first ever Trekitt Podcast! In this episode, we've got Paul (our ...
Deuter Speed Lite 25 - Inside Look
The Speed Lite 25 is a lightweight yet feature-packed rucksack that's perfect fo...
Beef Skewers with Chimichurri shorts - Cook with Trekitt
In this new series, we venture outside with a bunch of cooking equipment (all li...
Rab Phantom Pull-On - Inside Look
The Phantom is an extremely lightweight and packable wind and waterproof pullove...
Soteska Pekel je moja najljubša soteska. V njej poznam praktično vsako ped, saj sem jo obiskal že več 100x. Živim namreč le nekaj kilometrov od soteske in vanjo smo radi zahajali že kot otroci.
V posnetku se sprehodim prek vseh 5-ih slapov, videli pa boste še nekatere druge meni najbolj zanimive izseke iz soteske. Do izhodišča pa sem se vrnil po krožni poti prek zaselka Pristava.